Grace Academy School held its charity week for the year 2023 from 5th – 9th June, under the theme “Spreading Kindness, One Act at a Time”.

The school and the students generously donated things like stationeries, rations,
edibles, toiletries and some in cash. The central aim of this event was to foster a culture of philanthropy and extend support to the less privileged members of society and to develop empathy, compassion among the students. The compassionate young students embarked on a heartwarming journey of giving back to their
community. With hearts full of kindness and empathy, they eagerly participated, each bringing
precious donations for those in need. The collective generosity of our students proved to be a
beacon of hope, spreading joy and making a positive impact on the lives of those less fortunate.
Throughout Charity Week, the classrooms buzzed with excitement as the children
proudly brought forth their donations.

The students were divided into four groups
i.e. Group 1- Class 1 & 2, Group 2- Class 3 & 4, Group 3- Class 5, 6 & 7, Group
4- Kindergarten Section.

The students of class 1 & 2 had the privilege to visit Government Middle School, Mao Colony, Burma Camp. The students and the teachers also had the opportunity to share the assembly with the students where a short program was held.

The students of class 3 & 4 visited Government High School, Niu Colony, Burma Camp. A short program was held at the school premises where the staff and the students took part by presenting group song, scripture reading and a short sharing.

Students of class 5, 6 & 7 visited Government School, Duncan. The visit included a well coordinated program held at the school premises, providing a platform for meaningful engagement between the students and teachers of both the schools.

The students of kindergarten section displayed their charitable act by
distributing the collected items to the community of G.C Paira Colony,
Burma Camp. Kindness challenge was another highlight (of the charity
week) as children were encouraged to practice random acts of kindness
each day.

The Kindness Challenge, ignited a spirit of compassion and camaraderie among our students.
Each day, our energetic students took on new 5 challenges, demonstrating acts of kindness that
touched the hearts of everyone around them. From helping a friend in need to expressing
gratitude to their teachers and caregivers, the students embraced the opportunity to spread
positivity and make a difference in the lives of those around them. The Kindness Challenge has left
an indelible mark on their hearts, guiding them to be compassionate individuals who will
continue to make the world a better place.

Charity Week was a celebration of selflessness, empathy, and the beauty of
human kindness. The contributions made by our young students, combined with the support
and encouragement of our dedicated teachers, created a powerful force for positive change in
our community.