Poem Recitation Competition (Kindergarten Section) 2019

Poem Recitation Competition for kindergarten section  i,e Nursery (Grace Toddlers), class A (Helping Hands), class B1 (Little Giants), class B2 (Learning Bunnies)  was held on 23th August  2019. The students were given six poems from which they had to choose one to recite in the competition. The students were judged on the following criteria:

Physical Presence                   : Authoritative:  body language shows compelling stage presence.

Voice and Articulation          : Very clear, crisp, mastery of rhythm and pace, skillful use of volume and intonation.

Dramatic Appropriateness   : Style of delivery reflects internalization of poem: all gestures and movement feel essential to poem’s success.

Evidence of understanding   : Masterfully interprets the poem for the audience, deftly revealing the   meaning of the poem.

Overall Performance             : Captivating performance- whole equals “more than the sum of the parts”: shows mastery of recitation skill.

The winners of the competition were as follows:

Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Nursery (Grace Toddlers) Neoning K Mongsang Nipuka Zhimomi Kushal Pandey
class A (Helping Hands) Abigail D Sangma Livia Sumi Niputo Assumi
 class B1 (Little Giants) Emirhoni Ovung Toachiren Imsong Joycy
class B2 (Learning Bunnies) Akipito Yepthomi Kivinu Zhimomi Mhayanthung Ngullie

Winners of Class Nursery (Grace Toddlers)

Winners of Class A (Helping Hands)

Winners of Class B (Little Giants)

Winners of Class B (Learning Bunnies)