The most anticipated Kindergarten Supermarket event for Class A took place on July 5th, 2024. The event was a resounding success, with enthusiastic participation from both parents and students. The students showcased their skills and applied their classroom learning in a practical setting.

The event was hosted by Miss Abigail, the assistant kindergarten teacher, who warmly welcomed the parents and provided an overview of the event’s objectives. The aim was to allow the children to put their classroom knowledge into action, particularly in managing transactions and utilizing their understanding of letters and numbers.The event began with an invocation prayer led by Miss Reni, the class teacher of Class A Helping Hands.

There were ten shops in total, five from each section—Class A Smart Pandas and Class A Helping Hands. The children eagerly took on the roles of salespeople, accountants, cashiers, and assistants, demonstrating their understanding of the responsibilities involved. The parents participated as customers, interacting with the young shopkeepers, giving money, and receiving change.The parents’ excitement was evident as they happily visited each shop, trying to buy as much as they could. The children’s enthusiasm grew as they saw their parents approaching their stalls. The event provided a valuable learning experience, blending education with fun.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Miss Benliyala, the class teacher of Class A Smart Pandas. She expressed her gratitude to the school administration for providing the students with such a wonderful learning opportunity. She also thanked the teachers for their hard work in preparing for the event, the parents for their active participation, and the students, who, despite some being unwell during practice, gave their best effort and made everyone proud.

The event concluded with a benediction prayer by Miss Vikho, the class teacher of Nursery Tiny Treasures. Overall, the event was a grand success, receiving positive feedback from parents who were delighted to see their children performing so well. The parents appreciated the school for organizing such an engaging and educational experience.