Board games for Classes 1 to 6 was organized on 27th May 2022. It included games like Mancala, carrom board, checkers, scrabble, etc. The criteria was carried out on basis of fair play and compliance to rules. All the classes played intensely and team spirit was witnessed during the games, with house members cheering and supporting each other. It was an eventful and memorable day and the winners are as follows:

Class- 1a

1st Position (Scrabble)
Yellow House – Sungtilong Jamir, Rokokho-ü Israil, Temsulong Imsong, Sendongienla.

2nd position (Carrom)
Red House – Didi Haikam.

Class- 1b

1st Position (Scrabble)
Blue House – Imsumar Jamir, Athena Sumi, Tsenjano C. Enny, Suneptila Jazeel Jamir.

2nd position
Red house – Akina Yuddela Zhimo, Rongsenzungla Longchar, Kebennye Khing and Lenier Longkumer.

Class- 2

1st position (Checkers)
Blue House – Abigail D. Sangma, Rushanthung Ethan Ezung, L. Yimkonglemba Longchar.

2nd position
Yellow house – Mharoni Ezung, Kimnunnem Thomsong, Avevi Zhimomi, Tsitso Peseyie, Niputo Assumi

Class- 3a

1st position (Scrabble)
Yellow house – Wanle Wangpushu, Wonchithung Kithan, Muhammad Affan

2nd position
Red house – Hekhi Seb, Vini Chophy, Aaliya Praveen.

Class- 3b

1st Position (Scrabble)
Yellow House – Thungdemo L. Murry, Aabrito Kung, Vivi Swu, Edlyn Khartu.

2nd position
Green House – Annie Lepcha Chetri, Invito A. Sumi, Lanutula, Vighuna Sumi.

Class- 4

1st Position (Scrabble)
Blue House – Sihsi Thonger, Lanunungsang Imsong, Intisangla Walling

2nd Position
Red House – Hehdika S. Sangtam, Amekali Zhimomi, Anna Zhimo.

Class- 5

1st Position (Mancala)
Yellow House – Andrew Jochulo Khing, Anani Awomi, Najmin Aktar.

2nd Position
Blue House – Jaden Hetoka Awomi, Rosemary Kujur, Ichchha Regmi.

Class- 6

1st position (Carrom board)
Yellow House – Alovito, Nadira, Winnerson Ngouri, Linoka

2nd position
Blue house – Toship, Niuke, Mercy, Kavito.

1st position (Checkers)
Yellow House – Alovito, Nadira, Winnerson Ngouri, Linoka

2nd position
Red House – Otis Semy, Khushi Das, Hielie Peseyie, Kivinoto


Class- 6 students
Class- 5 students with mancala
Class- 3b students with checkers
Winners of Class- 1a
Winners of Class- 1b
Winners of Class- 2
Winners of Class- 3a
Winners of Class- 3b
board games cl-4
Winners of Class- 4
Winners of Class- 5
Winners of Class- 6