“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”. 

Grace Academy believes that each child is unique, and requires a dedicated environment to flourish. 

Extra curricular activities are conducted to nurture their inborn/acquired talents in an exclusively dedicated surrounding that encourages and supports them to aspire, seek, realize, discover and build their hidden potential.

As such ‘Poem Recitation Competition’ was held on 9th September 2022, for the kindergarten and primary students. The students memorized and recited a poem in front of the class.

The students were graded based on the following criterias. 

  1. Posture : Stands confidently, relaxed and natural. 
  2. Accuracy : Recites poems comfortably without prompting or word changes. 
  3. Audience Perception : Uses eye contact, emotion and facial expressions. 
  4. Voice : Loud and Clear.

The Winners of the Competition are as follows : 

Class- Nursery (Grace Toddlers)

1st – Henoka A. Swu

2nd – Yatinaro Jamir

3rd – Choilee Etau

Class- A (Helping Hands)

1st – Akumjungla Pongener 

2nd – Yepuka Yeptho 

3rd – Sahas Regmi

Class- A (Smart Pandas)

1st- Vilo Katty

2nd-Dinen Magh

3rd-Caroline Kithan

Class- B (Little Giants)

1st- Riongdangla Imchen

2nd- Hikugha Kiho

3rd- Kiden Etau

Class- B (Learning Bunnies)

1st- Sidhart Das

2nd- Rhonbeni Humtsoe

3rd- Ilovino Sumi

Class- 1a

1st – Atheli Sumi

2nd – Mhonroni Kithan & Mhachen Titus Patton 

3rd – Fiona Yeptho & Didi Haikam

Class- 1b

1st – Akina Yudella Zhimo.

2nd – Suneptila Jazeel Jamir.

3rd – Greethya Difoesa.

Class- 2

1st – Tsitso Peseyie. 

2nd- Rushanthung Ethan Ezung & Niputo Assumi. 

3rd – Kupuli X Shohe & Vitoka Wokhami.

Class- 3a

1st – Gazyen H Yeptho

2nd – Nitili Swu & Wonchithung Kithan

3rd – Vini Chophy

Class- 3b

1st – Vivi A. Swu

2nd – Invito A. Sumi

3rd – Wadangkokba Ketholeto Yaden

Class- 4

1st- Amekali Zhimomi

2nd- Sentimeren Andrew Jamir

3rd- Intisangla Walling

Class- 5

1st- Sahina Begum

2nd- Manshi Bista

3rd- Thanggunhao Thomsong

Class- 6

1st- Visevoii Zie Israil

2nd- Nighapu Sumi & Alovito Sumi

3rd- Linoka Zhimomi

Winners of Class- Nursery (Grace Toddlers)
Winners of Class- A (Helping Hands)
Winners of Class- A (Smart Pandas)
Winners of Class- B (Little Giants)
Winners of Class- B (Learning Bunnies)
Winners of Class- 1a
Winners of Class- 1b
Winners of Class- 2
Winners of Class- 3a
Winners of Class- 3b
Winners of Class- 4
Winners of Class- 5
Winners of Class- 6
Student of Class- 1a reciting her poem in front of her classmates
Student of Class 3a reciting her poem in front of her classmates