Grace Academy hosted its highly anticipated Art Competition on February 17, 2024, showcasing the artistic talents and creativity of its students. With a diverse range of themes and enthusiastic participation from students across different grade levels, the event was a celebration of artistic expression and unity within the school community.

The competition was held at Grace Academy, with different venues allocated for junior and senior categories. Junior category participants, from classes 1 to 4, displayed their artworks in their respective classrooms, while the senior category, comprising classes 5 to 8, showcased their creations in the school auditorium. The competition was made compulsory for all students to ensure maximum participation and enjoyment.

Judges: The judging panel consisted of respected individuals from within the school community, including Sir Imkongmar, Miss Vinika, and the  school administrator. Their expertise and discerning eyes ensured a fair evaluation of the artworks based on creativity, technique, and adherence to the given themes.

Themes by Class:Each class was assigned a specific theme to guide their artistic creations:

  • Class 1: “My Dream House”
  • Class 2: “My Favorite Season”
  • Class 3: “If I Were a Superhero”
  • Class 4: “Magical World”
  • Class 5: “Imagining the Future”
  • Class 6: “Abstract Expressions”
  • Classes 7 and 8: “Celebrating Unity”


  • Class 1:
    • 1st Place: Moanenla Walling (1A)
    • 2nd Place: Agnes Nemdeikim Hangshing (1A)
    • 3rd Place: Toinoto Sumi (1A)
  • Class 2:
    • 1st Place: Rhonbeni Humtsoe (2B)
    • 2nd Place: Amuvi Zhimomi (2B)
    • 3rd Place: Samaira Yasmeen (2A)
  • Class 3:
    • 1st Place: Greethya Difoesa (3B)
    • 2nd Place: Nikikali Aye (3B)
    • 3rd Place: Sendongienla (3B)
  • Class 4:
    • 1st Place: Kimnunnem Thomsong (4A)
    • 2nd Place: Meshenhi Seb (4A)
    • 3rd Place: Freya Hatnunnem Hangshing (4B)
  • Class 5:
    • 1st Place: Wandangkokba Ketholeto Yaden (5A)
    • 2nd Place: Wonchithung Kithan (5B)
    • 3rd Place: Vivi A. Swu (5B)
  • Class 6:
    • 1st Place: Intisangla Walling
    • 2nd Place: Anna Zhimo
    • 3rd Place: Joyce Yanna Thapa
  • Class 7:
    • 1st Place: Anani Awomi
    • 2nd Place: Sahina Begum
    • 3rd Place: Najmin Aktar
  • Class 8:
    • 1st Place: Paahi Mech
    • 2nd Place: Illivi Zhimo
    • 3rd Place: Otis Semy

The Art Competition at Grace Academy was a tremendous success, highlighting the immense talent and creativity present within our student body. Through their artworks, students not only demonstrated their artistic skills but also expressed their unique perspectives on the given themes. The event fostered a sense of unity and camaraderie among students and faculty alike, reaffirming the importance of the arts in education and community-building.

Winners of Class 1
Winners of Class 2
Winners of Class 3
Winners of Class 4
Winners of Class 5
Winners of Class 6
Winners of Class 7
Winners of Class 8