Grace Academy drawing competition was held on 18th May, 2018 to bring out the creativity and the artistic talents among the students.


Each class was given a theme for the competition:

NurseryDraw your favourite fruit or vegetables.
Class AA family portrait.
Class BMy garden.
Class 1If you get a chance to visit a new place with your family. What kind of place would you visit.
Class 2If you were to save the environment from global warming what are the things you would do.

The criteria of the judgement were :


The winners were:

Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Nursery Livia Sumi Atomu Likusa Achumi
Class A Taochiren Longtsuroni Wanle
Class B Lanunungsang Amekali Intisangla
Class 1 Anani Pitoka Yepthomi Manshi Bista
Class 2 Alovito Nahum Linoka


Nursery winners:



Livia 1st
Atomu 2nd
Likusa 3rd










Class A winners:

Taochiren imsong 1st
Longsturoni Enny 2nd
Wanle Konyak 3rd










Class B Winners

Lanunungsang 1st
Amekali 2nd
Intisangla 3rd










Class 1 Winners

Anani 1st
Pitoka 2nd
Manshi 3rd










Class 2 Winners

Alovito 1st
Nahum 2nd
Linoka 3rd










This fun filled activity witnessed an enthusiastic participation by all the students.

The drawings were framed and presented to the winner of the competition.