Class- Nursery (Grace Toddlers)


Class- Nursery (Grace Toddlers) went on an educational trip to Zoological Park on 3rd November 2022. The students had a great time observing different types of animals in the zoo. They were introduced about Zoo in their reading book ‘123 to the zoo’. Some students shared their zoo experiences with their friends. On the way to the zoo, students were very excited. They were admiring the views. They also enjoyed the bumpy roads telling each other that it was very fun and thrilling to go to the zoo.

 When they first reached the spot, they started saying the names of the animals that they wanted to see. They all were very excited to enter the gate, gazing all around, asking so many things that are new to them. Students were first shown Stump- tailed Macaque on the way and after reaching the resting shed, they had a meal. They continued their journey to see the tortoise. Before reaching some students who had already been to the zoo before started saying that they were going to see tortoises.  

Students spotted animals like Gibbon, Emu, Python, different species of Hornbills, Bear, Tortoise, Porcupine, Barking Deer. They also wanted to see a crocodile so while heading back on the way Vipuka shouted saying ‘crocodile where are you I want to see you’, while some students got very tired and sat on the ground. Through this trip students were able to learn different types of animals such as their names, encounter the sizes, how big or small and also appreciated the beautiful nature lives. 

Class- A (Helping Hands) & (Smart Pandas)


The students of Class ‘A’ had the opportunity to go for an educational trip to Zoological Park, located at Rangapahar, Dimapur, Nagaland on 3rd of November, 2022. A total of 25 students along with 8 teachers and 6 non-teaching staff went for the trip. The trip was organized with the aim to promote awareness and to expose the children to the world of amazing animals and birds.

A week before the trip, students were enlightened about the different types of animals they would be encountering in the zoo, the types of body coverings, their food habits, shelter and also the do’s and don’ts they should follow in the zoo.

On reaching the zoo, the students went around looking at the wildlife, and were elated to see a variety of animals and birds. They were fascinated by the behavior of animals, especially the ‘Hoolock Gibbon’ which made loud and conspicuous sounds. It was an enriching and learning experience for the students.

After a period of strolling around and observing the animals in the zoo, the students gathered to have their lunch. They had a prayer before they opened their lunch box, the lunch time was filled with laughter and joy as they mingled and shared their food with one another. After lunch, we explored the rest of the area in the zoo. The students were hoping to see the Tiger but unfortunately, the Tiger didn’t come around and we were unable to see it. But despite that, the students had an amazing time.

The trip proved out to be an outdoor classroom for the students as they were able to experience the wildlife and got to observe how animals were kept safe.


Class- B (Little Giants) & (Learning Bunnies)


Students of class – B Little Giants and Learning Bunnies went for an educational trip to the Zoological Park,  Rangapahar, Dimapur on 3rd November, 2022.

Total of 26 students showed great enthusiasm as they all headed out for their trip in their yellow school vans. Anticipation and excitement filled the air.

After an enduring ride of 30-40 minutes, the students finally reached the Zoo, welcomed by the colorful animal paintings as they headed inside in line.

They saw a variety of animals and were fascinated by the beauty of nature.

They enjoyed the sights of Tortoises in their habitat and snakes, porcupines, Dhole (Indian Wild Dog) , Hoolock Gibbon, Deers, Bear and birds like Emu, Kite and Hornbill. 

As students explored the Zoo, they were able to witness each animal and discuss the facts and classifications they have learnt in their classes. All the students were respectful and kind  to all the animals in their captivity. 

They were already pining as they were departing and drawing close to the gate. 

It was an enriching and learning experience for the students. The trip proved out to be an outdoor classroom for the students as they were able to accommodate and assimilate knowledge.

It was a great day spent which has given students wonderful memories.