Kindergarten Annual Day, 2023

Grace Academy Kindergarten’s Annual Day unfolded with splendor at the school Auditorium on the 7th of December at 10:00 am. The stage, adorned in Royal Blue Silk curtains and adorned with giant organza flowers, set a captivating scene for the day’s festivities.


The program commenced with a touch of divine grace as Madam Meribeni invoked God’s blessings, setting a positive tone for the day. The students of Class B, Learning Bunnies, charmed the audience with their presentation, “Hello to all the children of the world.” Dressed in various ethnic costumes, they conveyed a heartwarming wish to connect with and befriend children from around the globe.


The Administrator then took the stage, delivering a speech that added an enriching layer to the event. Grace Toddlers of Nursery Class brought infectious joy with their adorable yellow costumes during the Chicken Dance, and their rendition of “Ant and the Grasshopper” brought the classic tale to life with each student dedicatedly playing their roles.


Class A (Helping Hands) continued to captivate the audience during the Annual Day with their delightful performance. The play titled “The Tiny Plant” showcased each student embodying various stages of plant growth, bringing the story to life with infectious enthusiasm. The heartfelt portrayals resonated with the audience, leaving a lasting impression. Adding to the festivities, their dance to the upbeat “Chocolate” song was nothing short of a visual treat, further enhancing the joyous atmosphere of the celebration.

Class A (Smart Pandas) presented “Three Little Pigs” and an act titled “From Classroom to Climate, Students Leading the Way,” conveying a powerful message about climate change and the need for proactive measures.


Class B (Little Giants) took the stage with impressive freestyle moves and a lively rendition of “But I Can’t Spell HIPPOPOTAMUS.” Class B (Learning Bunnies) contributed to the fun with a play based on their favorite reading book, Swimmy.


A significant highlight of the program was the Teachers’ and Students’ Achievement Awards. Miss Benliyala (Class A Smart Pandas) received the Best Class award, with Miss Zeveteu (Nursery: Grace Toddlers) securing the 2nd place. Exceptional students with 100% attendance and outstanding competition performances were also acknowledged with heartfelt recognition and mementos.


Grace Academy Kindergarten’s Annual Day concluded on a poignant note as it celebrated the graduation of Class B students. All 30 students donned bright yellow and blue gowns, receiving their well-deserved graduation certificates from the Administrator. The newly announced graduates lit up the stage with a heartwarming graduation song, and the program was enriched by the eloquent speeches of Vilo Katty and Caroline Kithan from Class B Learning Bunnies, along with Heloufohing and Atotimi Awomi from Class B Little Giants. Their words reflected the growth, memories, and dreams encapsulated in their kindergarten journey. This special graduation segment added an extra layer of significance to an already vibrant and memorable Annual Day celebration.


Overall, the Annual Day was an energized showcase of the young ones’ talents, a testament to the collaborative success of students and parents alike. The benediction, pronounced by Dr. Gaihianlung K Kamei, marked the conclusion of a day filled with joy, achievement, and unity.