Grace Academy hosted an Essay Writing Competition on May 4, 2024, to encourage creative thinking and writing skills among students from grades 5 to 8. The event aimed to foster a love for writing and to enhance the students’ ability to express their ideas clearly and concisely.

Through such events, the school aims:

  • To encourage students to develop their writing skills.
  • To provide an opportunity for students to explore topics from their course material.
  • To assess students’ understanding and articulation of course concepts.
  • To foster healthy competition and reward excellence in writing.

The competition saw enthusiastic participation from students across grades 5 to 8. Each student was given a topic relevant to their course material, which ensured that they could relate to and articulate their thoughts effectively.

The topics were carefully selected to align with the students’ current curriculum. This helped in testing not only their writing skills but also their understanding of the subject matter. Each grade had a distinct set of topics tailored to their academic level:

  • Grade 5: Life in the Hot Desert
  • Grade 6: Fighting Stereotypes and Celebrating Diversity
  • Grade 7: Importance of Democracy in the modern world
  • Grade 8: Right to Education: Empowering the Youth for a Brighter Future

The essays were judged by the respective class teachers based on the following criteria:

  • Content Relevance: How well the essay addressed the given topic.
  • Creativity and Originality: The uniqueness of ideas and approach.
  • Clarity and Coherence: Logical flow and organization of thoughts.
  • Grammar and Language: Correct usage of grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary.
  • Overall Presentation: Neatness and adherence to guidelines.

Each grade had three winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place). The winners were awarded certificates to acknowledge their hard work and outstanding writing skills.

  • Grade 5A:
    • 1st Place: Wadangkokba Ketholeto Yaden
    • 2nd Place: Zachungi Taochi Ezung
    • 3rd Place: Hekhi Seb and Kivinu Zhimomi
  • Grade 5B:
    • 1st Place: Wonchithung Kithan
    • 2nd Place: Invito A. Sumi
    • 3rd Place: Vivi A. Swu
  • Grade 6:
    • 1st Place: Intisangla Walling
    • 2nd Place: Lanunungsang Imsong
    • 3rd Place: Vitsino Nagi
  • Grade 7:
    • 1st Place: Sahina Begum
    • 2nd Place: Ichchha Regmi
    • 3rd Place: Soben Thong Seb
  • Grade 8:
    • 1st Place: Mercy Zeliang
    • 2nd Place: Otis Semy
    • 3rd Place: Illivi Zhimo

The Essay Writing Competition was a resounding success, providing students with a platform to showcase their writing abilities and deepen their understanding of their coursework. The event was well-received by students, teachers, and parents alike, and it highlighted the importance of fostering academic and creative skills in young learners.

Grace Academy looks forward to making this an annual event, continuing to inspire and nurture the talents of its students.

Winners of Class 5a
Winners of Class 5b
Winners of Class 6
Winners of Class 7
Winners of Class 8