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Art Competition (Class 1 to 8), 2024

Art competition for primary section will be held on 17th February 2024, where all the students of class 1 to 8 will be taking part and the students will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Understanding of the Theme: Does the artwork reflect an understanding of the “My Favorite Season” theme? 
  • Creativity: Judges will look at the originality of the idea and how imaginatively it’s been executed. Does the artwork demonstrate creative thinking and offer a unique perspective on the theme?
  • Artistic Skill: This is an evaluation of the student’s technical ability, such as use of color, line, texture, shape, and other elements of art.
  • Composition: This refers to how well the elements of the artwork are arranged, including balance, symmetry, contrast, and unity.
  • Clarity of Presentation: The artwork should be neat and the idea should be clear to the viewer without needing additional explanation.
  • Storytelling: Does the artwork successfully tell a story about the given theme? Does it captivate the viewer’s interest and curiosity?