An extempore competition was held on 5th November, 2022 for the students of Class 4 of Grace Academy in the school auditorium. The event was held with the aim to help students build their confidence in public speaking and practice their speaking skills and time management skills. 

12 participants of Class 4 participated in this competition. There were two rounds and the students were given 2 minutes to deliver the speech. 

Miss Rongsenkala, Class Teacher of Class 4 was the compere and the judges for this competition were Madam Leeai, Class teacher of Class 1 A, Miss Pamela Class teacher of Class 5 and Miss Gracy, Class teacher of Class 6. While Sir Kihika was the time keeper. 

The participants were judged based on the following five criterias:

  1. Clarity of speech.
  2. Body language.
  3. Speaking skills.
  4. Stage presence.
  5. Time Management.

The program started with an invocation prayer by Sir Tinuakum after which the first round started. 12 students participated in the first round. After this there was a guitar musical piece by Wadangkokba and Nirja of Class 3 and a solo performance by Niuke of Class 4.

Based on the first round 5 students were chosen for the second round. The 5 students who were selected for the second round were Hehdika S Sangtam, Lanunungsang Imsong, Sihsi Thonger, Sentimeren Andrew Jamir and Md Zeedan Ahmed. While anticipating for the final result, the students of Class 2 performed an energetic dance performance and Andrew performed a guitar musical piece. After this the final result was announced. 

The winners of the extempore competition were:

1st position:   Sentimeren Andrew Jamir.

2nd Position:  Md Zeedan Ahmed. 

3rd Position:   Lanunungsang.

The program ended with a benediction by Miss Moasenla Class Teacher of Class B (Learning Bunnies).

Winners with the Administrator
Participants , winners with the Administrator
The 5 top finalists