Grace Academy Touch Lives Forever Tue, 10 Sep 2024 04:49:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grace Academy 32 32 Show and Tell Competition (Kindergarten Section), 2025 Wed, 28 Aug 2024 04:57:07 +0000 Continue reading "Show and Tell Competition (Kindergarten Section), 2025"


The Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition was held on 12th August 2024. This event aimed to develop the speaking skills of the young participants, boost their confidence, and encourage them to express their thoughts clearly. The competition took place in their respective classrooms, with the class teachers serving as judges. The class teachers guided the students, offering encouragement and helping them feel comfortable during their presentations.


The students were judged based on the following criteria:

– Confidence and Presentation: How confidently the child speaks and presents their item, including volume and clarity.

– Engagement: The child’s ability to connect with the audience through eye contact and enthusiasm.

– Content and Relevance: How well the child explains their chosen item and its significance.

– Creativity and Uniqueness: The originality of the item or the story shared, and the creativity of the presentation.


After careful deliberation, the teachers evaluated the presentations based on creativity, clarity, confidence, and the ability to engage the audience. Each class had three winners who were awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions.


Winners for Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition 2024

Class – Nursery (Grace Toddlers)

1st- Khonzani C. Odyuo  

2nd- Li-iza Yepthomi  

3rd- Shivangi Dubey  


Class – Nursery (Tiny Treasures)

1st- Aarwi Dey  

2nd- Nathan Haominthang Haokip  

3rd- Ghunanu N. Shohe  


Class A (Helping Hands)

1st- Jaydon Kamei  

2nd- Kupuli Chishi  

3rd- Jubika Swu  


Class A (Smart Pandas)

1st- Lydia N. Phom  

2nd- Keseng Magh  

3rd- Hakyong-Shin  


Class B (Learning Bunnies)

1st- Mekali Moati Ezung  

2nd- Albert Lamgunmang Haokip  

3rd- Zaira Imtiyaz  


Class B (Little Giants)

1st- Lydia Yepthomi  

2nd- Megoviu Hannah Israil  

3rd- Soabeni Grace  

Each winner received a certificate as a token of appreciation and to acknowledge their efforts.

The Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition was a resounding success. It provided an excellent opportunity for the young students to develop their speaking skills and gain confidence. The supportive environment created by the teachers and the active engagement of all students made the event memorable and beneficial for everyone involved.

Winners of Class B (Learning Bunnies)
Winners of Class B (Little Giants)
Winners of Class A (Smart Pandas)
helping hands
Winners of Class A (Helping Hands)
Winners of Class Nusery (Grace Toddlers)
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Winners of Class Nursery (Tiny Treasures)
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Kindergarten Supermarket (Class B), 2024 Wed, 21 Aug 2024 07:05:28 +0000 Continue reading "Kindergarten Supermarket (Class B), 2024"


The Kindergarten Super Market Event which took place on 5th July, 2024 was a resounding success, providing our young students with a unique opportunity to apply their classroom learning in a real-world setting. The event aimed to help students put their knowledge of letters, numbers, and math skills into action, while also developing their conversational skills and art of persuasion.

The program began with a warm welcome by our host, Miss Abigail, who appreciated the parents’ time and availability. Miss Avete then opened the program with an invocation prayer, setting a positive tone for the event.

Ten stalls were set up, each managed by our kindergarten students, offering a variety of items such as candies, juice, and other goods. The students took turns to sell their products, practicing their transaction management skills, including counting, addition, and subtraction. They also demonstrated their record-keeping abilities by maintaining a tally of their sales.

Throughout the event, students showcased their language skills by:

– Describing familiar items
– Speaking audibly and confidently
– Participating in collaborative conversations
– Following rules for discussions
– Asking and answering questions

Parents were encouraged to engage with the students, asking questions about their products and making purchases. This interaction helped build the students’ confidence in communicating with others.

The event was well-attended, and parents expressed their delight in seeing their children apply their learning in such a practical and enjoyable way. The students’ enthusiasm and eagerness to sell their products were evident, making the experience a valuable and memorable one.

The Kindergarten Super Market Event achieved its objectives, providing our students with a hands-on experience that reinforced their classroom learning.

The program concluded with a Vote of Thanks shared by Miss Vinita, Class Teacher of Class B Little Giants, followed by a Benediction prayer by Miss Asen, Class Teacher of Class B Learning Bunnies.

We look forward to organizing similar events in the future to continue developing our students’ essential skills.

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Class B (Learning Bunnies)
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Class B (Little Giants)
Charity Week (Kindergarten Section), 2024 Wed, 21 Aug 2024 06:21:37 +0000 Continue reading "Charity Week (Kindergarten Section), 2024"


Grace Academy Kindergarten organized a Charity Week from the 24th to the 28th of June 2024, with a focus on fostering empathy, compassion, and social responsibility among its students. This week-long event was designed to teach young learners the importance of kindness and generosity while providing them with practical opportunities to contribute to the well-being of those less fortunate.

Throughout the week, students were introduced to the concept of charity and the ways in which they could help others in need. Classroom activities included lessons on kindness and empathy, where students were encouraged to think about how small acts of giving could make a big difference in the lives of others. Additionally, the children were given challenges to complete during class hours, aimed at reinforcing these values and making the experience more engaging and meaningful.

The students were invited to bring in items that could be of use to those in need, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Throughout the week, they generously contributed various items, including clothing, food, and essential supplies. The excitement and happiness they expressed in helping others were palpable, demonstrating their genuine commitment to the cause.

On the 28th of June, students from classes Nursery Grace Toddlers, Nursery Tiny Treasures, A Helping Hands, A Smart Pandas, B Little Giants, and B Learning Bunnies gathered in the auditorium hall with the items they had contributed. The event served as a culmination of the week’s efforts, where the collected donations were displayed and acknowledged. Teachers and students alike reflected on the significance of their contributions, understanding the real-world impact they would have on families in need.

Following the assembly, the items were carefully sorted and distributed to various families within the local community, as well as to charitable organizations that support vulnerable populations. The act of giving not only provided immediate relief to the recipients but also fostered a sense of community and connection among the students, as they realized the positive change they were able to create

The Charity Week was a resounding success, achieving its goal of instilling values of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility in the students. The event provided a unique learning experience that extended beyond the classroom, allowing the children to actively participate in charitable acts and see the tangible impact of their generosity.

The enthusiasm and dedication shown by the students throughout the week were inspiring, and their contributions brought joy and relief to those in need. The success of this initiative highlights the importance of teaching young children the values of kindness and giving, as these are essential qualities that will guide them throughout their lives.

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Kindergarten Supermarket (Class A), 2024 Sat, 17 Aug 2024 05:10:06 +0000 Continue reading "Kindergarten Supermarket (Class A), 2024"


The most anticipated Kindergarten Supermarket event for Class A took place on July 5th, 2024. The event was a resounding success, with enthusiastic participation from both parents and students. The students showcased their skills and applied their classroom learning in a practical setting.

The event was hosted by Miss Abigail, the assistant kindergarten teacher, who warmly welcomed the parents and provided an overview of the event’s objectives. The aim was to allow the children to put their classroom knowledge into action, particularly in managing transactions and utilizing their understanding of letters and numbers.The event began with an invocation prayer led by Miss Reni, the class teacher of Class A Helping Hands.

There were ten shops in total, five from each section—Class A Smart Pandas and Class A Helping Hands. The children eagerly took on the roles of salespeople, accountants, cashiers, and assistants, demonstrating their understanding of the responsibilities involved. The parents participated as customers, interacting with the young shopkeepers, giving money, and receiving change.The parents’ excitement was evident as they happily visited each shop, trying to buy as much as they could. The children’s enthusiasm grew as they saw their parents approaching their stalls. The event provided a valuable learning experience, blending education with fun.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Miss Benliyala, the class teacher of Class A Smart Pandas. She expressed her gratitude to the school administration for providing the students with such a wonderful learning opportunity. She also thanked the teachers for their hard work in preparing for the event, the parents for their active participation, and the students, who, despite some being unwell during practice, gave their best effort and made everyone proud.

The event concluded with a benediction prayer by Miss Vikho, the class teacher of Nursery Tiny Treasures. Overall, the event was a grand success, receiving positive feedback from parents who were delighted to see their children performing so well. The parents appreciated the school for organizing such an engaging and educational experience.

Charity Week (Primary Section), 2024 Sat, 06 Jul 2024 07:46:44 +0000 Continue reading "Charity Week (Primary Section), 2024"


Grace Academy School held its charity week for the year  2024  from 24th to June 29th,  June . The school and the students generously donated things like stationeries, rations,
edibles, toiletries and some in cash. The aim of this charity week was to  inspire and empower students to become active, compassionate members of their community who understand the importance of making a positive impact on the world around them. The central aim of this event was to foster a culture of philanthropy and extend support to the less privileged members of society and to develop empathy, compassion among the students. The compassionate young students embarked on a heartwarming journey of giving back to their community. With hearts full of kindness and empathy, they eagerly participated, each bringing precious donations for those in need.  Throughout Charity Week, the students were very excited as they brought whatever possible on their part . 

The students were divided into four groups
i.e. Group 1- Class 1, 2 & 3

Group 2- Class 5 & 7

Group 3- Class 4 

Group 4- Class 6 & 8 

The students of class 1, 2 & 3  distributed  items  to the unprivileged neighborhood  in and around  the school in the school auditorium. The students of Class 1 presented their charity activities, followed by Class 2, and then Class 3. Many people attended the charity distribution program to receive the donated goods. The smiles on the faces of the children and families were priceless. 

From grades 5 and 7, accompanied by their teachers(Miss Chubatila, Ma’am Pamela and Sir Ujjal), visited the Deaf Biblical Ministry in Naharbari on June 27, 2024, to conduct a charity drive and engage with the members of the ministry. The Deaf Biblical Ministry returned for another special presentation, teaching new sign language and singing songs using sign language. This performance was both educational and deeply moving, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present.The second day of Charity Week was a resounding success, marked by impressive performances, inspiring speeches, and a strong sense of community. The donations collected during the week will significantly benefit the Deaf Biblical Ministry, reflecting the generosity and caring spirit of the Grace Academy family.

The Deaf Biblical Ministry expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the support, sharing that being part of the event was a true blessing for them. Their words reminded everyone of the impact of kindness and the importance of reaching out to those in need.

On 28th of july, a group of 42 students in total from grade 6 and 8 accompanied by 3 teachers

Madam Regina, Miss Bendanglila, and Miss Menuole visited the Nagaland Children’s Home in 4th Mile Diphupar. The visit was a resounding success, with a fellowship program attended by 39 students from the children’s home, the mother of the home and the helpers from the children’s home. Students from both Grace Academy and Nagaland Childrens Home presented special performances. Madam Regina delivered an inspiring talk on charity and how small acts of love and kindness can make a significant difference. The mother of the children’s home expressed her deep gratitude to Grace Academy and Administration for initiating such a noble cause and shared information about the children’s Home.

The Charity Week of Grace Academy was a testament to the power of giving and loving.  

On 29 June, 2024, class 4 students along with 4 teachers: Miss Rongsenkala, Miss Neizope-u, Madam Regina and Sir Imnok visited the Little Diamond Club as part of a charitable initiative organized by Grace Academy. The Little Diamond Club operates as a close-knit community organization dedicated to providing essential support to those facing hardship. Founded on principles of compassion and solidarity, the members of the club tirelessly work to uplift the underprivileged through various initiatives.

This event was followed by the distribution of donations to each family of the residents. The students, guided by the teachers, personally handed over the contributions, symbolizing not only material support but also a gesture of care and solidarity. 

This event not only enriched the lives of the families at Little Diamond Club but also left a lasting impression on the students, teaching them the importance of community engagement and the profound impact of small acts of kindness, inspiring them to continue contributing to their community in meaningful ways. 

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Class 5 & 7 students and teachers in Deaf Biblical Ministry (Naharbari)
Deaf Biblical Ministry in Naharbari
Classs 4 students and teachers with children of The Little Diamond Club
Class 6 & 8 students and teachers in Nagaland Children's Home (4th Mile Diphupar)
Essay Writing Competition (Class 5 to 8), 2024 Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:14:26 +0000 Continue reading "Essay Writing Competition (Class 5 to 8), 2024"


Grace Academy hosted an Essay Writing Competition on May 4, 2024, to encourage creative thinking and writing skills among students from grades 5 to 8. The event aimed to foster a love for writing and to enhance the students’ ability to express their ideas clearly and concisely.

Through such events, the school aims:

  • To encourage students to develop their writing skills.
  • To provide an opportunity for students to explore topics from their course material.
  • To assess students’ understanding and articulation of course concepts.
  • To foster healthy competition and reward excellence in writing.

The competition saw enthusiastic participation from students across grades 5 to 8. Each student was given a topic relevant to their course material, which ensured that they could relate to and articulate their thoughts effectively.

The topics were carefully selected to align with the students’ current curriculum. This helped in testing not only their writing skills but also their understanding of the subject matter. Each grade had a distinct set of topics tailored to their academic level:

  • Grade 5: Life in the Hot Desert
  • Grade 6: Fighting Stereotypes and Celebrating Diversity
  • Grade 7: Importance of Democracy in the modern world
  • Grade 8: Right to Education: Empowering the Youth for a Brighter Future

The essays were judged by the respective class teachers based on the following criteria:

  • Content Relevance: How well the essay addressed the given topic.
  • Creativity and Originality: The uniqueness of ideas and approach.
  • Clarity and Coherence: Logical flow and organization of thoughts.
  • Grammar and Language: Correct usage of grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary.
  • Overall Presentation: Neatness and adherence to guidelines.

Each grade had three winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place). The winners were awarded certificates to acknowledge their hard work and outstanding writing skills.

  • Grade 5A:
    • 1st Place: Wadangkokba Ketholeto Yaden
    • 2nd Place: Zachungi Taochi Ezung
    • 3rd Place: Hekhi Seb and Kivinu Zhimomi
  • Grade 5B:
    • 1st Place: Wonchithung Kithan
    • 2nd Place: Invito A. Sumi
    • 3rd Place: Vivi A. Swu
  • Grade 6:
    • 1st Place: Intisangla Walling
    • 2nd Place: Lanunungsang Imsong
    • 3rd Place: Vitsino Nagi
  • Grade 7:
    • 1st Place: Sahina Begum
    • 2nd Place: Ichchha Regmi
    • 3rd Place: Soben Thong Seb
  • Grade 8:
    • 1st Place: Mercy Zeliang
    • 2nd Place: Otis Semy
    • 3rd Place: Illivi Zhimo

The Essay Writing Competition was a resounding success, providing students with a platform to showcase their writing abilities and deepen their understanding of their coursework. The event was well-received by students, teachers, and parents alike, and it highlighted the importance of fostering academic and creative skills in young learners.

Grace Academy looks forward to making this an annual event, continuing to inspire and nurture the talents of its students.

Winners of Class 5a
Winners of Class 5b
Winners of Class 6
Winners of Class 7
Winners of Class 8
Board Games Competition (Primary Section), 2024 Sat, 06 Jul 2024 04:54:56 +0000 Continue reading "Board Games Competition (Primary Section), 2024"


On 15th June 2024, Grace Academy hosted the Board Games Competition. The game started with an electrifying atmosphere and great enthusiasm as students from classes 1 – 8  showcased their talent, dedication, and unparalleled sportsmanship. It was a huge success this year, drawing enthusiastic participation from students across various grades. 

The event aimed to foster strategic thinking, teamwork, and a sense of community among students. The competition featured a variety of board games, including classics like Chess and Scrabble, as well as modern favorites like Jenga and River Crossing which was introduced this year. Throughout the games, students participated in a diverse range of competitions as it is not merely contests but a powerful medium to instill values of discipline, perseverance, and teamwork in our students.

The names of all the winners of various games are highlighted below:


Sub Juniors (Class 1 & 2)

Chinese Checkers



1st Position – Amuvi (Red)

 2nd Position – Alokito (Yellow)

 3rd Position – Andrew (Green)

4th Position – Aplou (Blue)

1st Position- Alino (Green)   

2nd Position- Zinnia (Blue)

3rd Position- Rhonbeni (Yellow)    

4th Position- Riongdangla (Red)   


1st Position – Amuvi (R)

2nd Position – Kiden (Y)

3rd Position – Jozen (G)

4th Position – Dilnawaz (B)



1st Position – David (Y)

2nd Position – Kihika (G)

3rd Position – Joseph (B)

4th Position – Sushoka (R)



1st  Position – Likupu (Y)

2nd  Position – Shammei ( R)

3rd  Position – Gabriel (B)

4th  Position –  Andrew (G)


River Crossing

1st Position – Vipu, Alokito, Nipukivi, Lime (Y)

2nd Position – Riachakliu, Elvia, Khruto, Caroline (Y)

3rd Position – Sahas, Kulusuh, Shamima, Kacey (G)

4th Position – Vitho, Minikivi, Akumjungla , Yepuka (B)

Juniors (Class 3 & 4)






1st Position – Mhachen (G)

 2nd Position – Temsulong (Y)

 3rd Position –  Kivinoka (R)

4th Position –  Rushanthung (B)

1st Position-  Ivuni (G)

2nd Position- Akina (R)

3rd Position-  Kimnunnem (Y)  

4th Position-  Kupuli (B)  




1st Position- Niputo (Y)

2nd Position- Abigail (B)

3rd Position- Mughapuka (G)

4th Position – Oto (R)


Chinese Checkers 


1st  Position- Punazulu (G)

2nd  Position- Yimkonglemba (B)

3rd  Position- Vike (Y)

4th  Position – Rongsenzungla (R)




1st  Position – Akumtemjen (R)

2nd  Position – Akumto (Y)

3rd  Position – Freya (B)

4th  Position – Greethya (G)

Seniors (Class 5 – 8)




1st Position- Sahina (R)

2nd Position- Andrew (Y)

3rd Position- Sihsi (B)

4th Position- Kilika (G)




1st Position- Suhemlong (G)

2nd Position- Zeedan (Y)

3rd Position- Jaden ( B)

4th Position- Ameka ( R)




1st Position- Sentimeren (G)

2nd Position- Lanunungsang (B)

3rd Position- Thangunhao (R)

4th Position- Aabrito (Y)


Ticket to Ride


1st Position- Nemalongly (b)

2nd Position- Apuvi (G)

3rd Position- Ighika (R)

4th Position- Subolemla (Y)



1st Position- Soben (G)

2nd Position- Nighaka (R)

3rd Position- Fiza (Y)

4th Position- Tsuzolu (B)

 The School Board Games Competition was a resounding success, achieving its goals of promoting strategic thinking, teamwork, and community spirit among students. The enthusiasm and positive feedback from participants indicate a bright future for this annual event.


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River Crossing
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Chinese Checkers
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Ticket to Ride
Mental Aptitude Competition (Class 5 to 8), 2024 Thu, 04 Jul 2024 04:06:41 +0000 Continue reading "Mental Aptitude Competition (Class 5 to 8), 2024"


On June 1, 2024, Grace Academy hosted the eagerly awaited Mental Aptitude Competition. This event aimed to challenge our students’ intellectual capabilities while fostering curiosity, problem-solving skills, and academic excellence. Students from various classes( Class 5, 6, 7 and 8 ) participated with enthusiasm, each demonstrating their unique talents and mental acuity.

The competition encompassed a range of mental aptitude tests, including logical reasoning, mathematical skills, verbal reasoning, and pattern recognition. Participants displayed exceptional dedication and skill, making the event both thrilling and competitive.

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Mental Aptitude Competition 2024 for each class:

Class 5 Winners

1st Place: Aabrito Kung (Sec A)
2nd Place: Wanle (Sec B)
3rd Place: Akipito (Sec B) & Zachungi Taochi Ezung (Sec A)

Class 6 Winners

1st Place: Fiza Parveen
2nd Place: Lanunungsang Imsong & Kellika Zhimo
3rd Place: Sentimeren Andrew Jamir, Md. Zeedan Ahmed & Konmong

Class 7 Winners

1st Place: Soben Thong Seb
2nd Place: Thanggunhao Thomsong
3rd Place: Andrew Jochulo Khing

Class 8 Winners

1st Place: Winnerson Ngouri
2nd Place: Otis Semy
3rd Place: Paahi Mech

Mental Aptitude Competition (Class 1 to 4), 2024 Thu, 04 Jul 2024 03:22:23 +0000 Continue reading "Mental Aptitude Competition (Class 1 to 4), 2024"


Grace Academy proudly hosted the highly anticipated Mental Aptitude Competition on the 18th of May, 2024. The event aimed to challenge and celebrate the intellectual abilities of our young students, fostering a spirit of curiosity, problem-solving, and academic excellence. The competition saw enthusiastic participation from students across various classes, each showcasing their unique talents and mental agility.

The competition was organized to test different aspects of mental aptitude, including logical reasoning, mathematical skills, verbal reasoning, and pattern recognition. The participants demonstrated remarkable dedication and skill, making it a truly exciting and competitive event.

The winners of the Mental Aptitude Competition 2024 for each class:

Class 1 Winners

1st position – Aaric Kung

2nd position – Andrew

3rd position – Dinen

Class 2 Winners

1st position – Ilovino Sumi

2nd position – David Gonmei

3rd position – Jozen Tep

Class 3 Winners

1st position – Rokokho

2nd position – Thejavizo

3rd position – Machen

Class 4 Winners

1st position – Rushanthung Ethan

2nd position – Abigail

3rd position – Azalimi


We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners for their outstanding performances. Their success is a testament to their hard work, intelligence, and determination. We also commend all participants for their enthusiasm and efforts, as each one contributed to the success of this event.

The Mental Aptitude Competition 2024 was a wonderful opportunity for our students to engage in healthy competition and enhance their cognitive skills. We look forward to many more such events that inspire and nurture the intellectual growth of our students.

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Winners of Class 4
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Winners of Class 3
Winners of Class 2
Winners of Class 1
Talent Show Competition (Kindergarten Section), 2024 Mon, 24 Jun 2024 04:50:39 +0000 Continue reading "Talent Show Competition (Kindergarten Section), 2024"


The Kindergarten Talent Show Competition took place on Tuesday, 4th June 2023, it was conducted from its own respective classes. This highly anticipated event provided a wonderful opportunity for our young students to showcase their diverse talents.

The competition featured various performances across different categories including singing, dancing, poetry recitation, book reading, art, craft, and solo performances. The participants were grouped by classes, with each class showcasing the unique talents of its students.

Performances and Winners

Class Nursery (Grace Toddlers)

  • 1st Place: Eliro Ezung – Craft
  • 2nd Place: Li-iza – Dance
  • 3rd Place: Kekhriesinuo Deborah Sekhose – Dance

Class Nursery (Tiny Treasures)

  • 1st Place: Liniu Achumi-singing
  • 2nd Place:Aarwi Dey-singing
  • 3rd Place:Tazmeen Parveen-rhyme

Class A (Helping Hands)

  • 1st Place: Jubika Swu – Solving Rubik’s Cube
  • 2nd Place: Kupuli Chishi – Craft
  • 3rd Place: Arikum Imchen – Dance

Class A (Smart Pandas)

  • 1st Place: Keseng Magh – Singing
  • 2nd Place: Niam Sharma – Book Reading
  • 3rd Place: E. Shanchothung Yanthan – Poem Recitation

Class B (Little Giants)

  • 1st Place: Elironi Ezung – Craft
  • 2nd Place: Megoviu – Art
  • 3rd Place: Soabeni – Craft

Class B (Learning Bunnies)

  • 1st Place: Choilee Etau – Solo Performance
  • 2nd Place: Mekali Moati Ezung – Solo Performance
  • 3rd Place: Zaira Imtiyaz – Dance


The judges evaluated the performances based on:

  • Creativity and Originality
  • Stage Presence and Confidence
  • Technical Skill and Accuracy
  • Overall Impression and Audience Engagement

The talent show concluded with the announcement of winners and the distribution of certificates. The Kindergarten Talent Show Competition was a tremendous success, highlighting the incredible talents and efforts of our young students. It was an excellent opportunity for children to build their confidence and perform in front of an audience. The event not only celebrated the participants’ abilities but also reinforced the values of teamwork, perseverance, and creativity.

