Class-6 (2023) – English Reader

Part 1 – Shared Reading

Part 1 – Shared Reading (Retelling and Analysing Texts)

Part 1 – Making Prediction and Word Work

Part 1 – Metacognition

Part 2 – Types of Sentences

Part 2 – Literary Devices

Part 2 – Procedural writing: Directions, Instruction, Recipes

Part 2 – Media Production Media element, conventions and techniques

Part 3 – Media, Audience and Message

Part 3 – My Opinion, Audience response, Point of view.

Part 3 – Creating Media and metacognition

Part 3 – English Reader Biographies

Part 4 – All About Myths, Constellations myths, Greek Mythology

Part 4 – Myth writing Elements, Creation and Heroic Myths, Myth Writing Tips

Part 4 – Creation Myth: Developing ideas, organizing a myth

Part 4 – Report, purpose, topic and audience

Part 4 – Informative Report, Gathering Information, opinion Vs Facts