Parent Teacher Interactions (PTI)

To foster a cooperative educational environment and to ensure that parents are actively involved in their child’s education, Grace Academy schedules Parent Teacher Meetings three times per year. These meetings are structured to serve multiple purposes and achieve various objectives.

Structure of the Meetings:

  • Individual Consultations: Parents will have the opportunity to meet individually with their child’s class teachers and subject teachers (if required) to discuss academic progress, behavioral concerns, and any other specific issues that may need attention.
  • Written Feedback: On the day of the Parent-Teacher Interaction (PTI), class teachers will provide parents with written feedback regarding their child’s academic and behavioral performance.
  • Parent’s Feedback: Feedback forms will be available for parents to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. This feedback will be reviewed and, where possible, integrated into school policy and classroom practice.


  • Enhanced Communication: The meetings aim to facilitate open and transparent communication between parents and teachers, to align both parties on the child’s academic and social development.
  • Parental Involvement: We believe that by actively involving parents in the educational process, children are more likely to succeed academically and socially.
  • Educational Enhancement: While educational talks are not a formal part of these meetings, we do aim to equip parents with the resources, knowledge, and tools needed to support their child’s education at home effectively.
  • Feedback Loop: Individual consultations create a personalized feedback mechanism, enabling teachers to understand the unique challenges each student may face and allowing parents to understand how they can best support their child’s education.
  • Community Building: These meetings also aim to build a sense of community among parents, teachers, and administrative staff. We firmly believe in the old adage that it takes a village to raise a child.

Kindergarten and Primary PTI Dates, 2024

1st PTI – 23rd March 2024

2nd PTI – 22nd June, 2024

3rd PTI – 23rd November, 2024

At Grace Academy, we believe that Parent-Teacher Interactions (PTIs) should be constructive, solution-oriented dialogues that focus on fostering the child’s overall development. Our aim is not merely to discuss what is lacking but to explore how we can collectively support a child to excel both academically and socially.

Guidelines for Parents:

  • Come Prepared: If you have specific concerns, come prepared to discuss them. Knowing what you want to discuss can make the meeting more productive.
  • Be Open and Listen: While it’s natural to be defensive about your child, try to listen objectively to what the teacher has to say.
  • Collaborate on Solutions: Work with the teacher to find feasible solutions for any challenges that your child may be facing.
  • Follow Up: Take the discussion from the PTI as a starting point, not an end. Engage in follow-up conversations to track your child’s progress.
  • Provide Feedback: After the meeting, you will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the interaction. This helps us to continually refine and improve the PTI process.