Grace Academy held its 1st Kindergarten Supermarket event hosted by Smart Pandas and Helping Hands of Class A, Little Giants and Learning Bunnies of Class B. Altogether there were 12 stalls – 3 from each Class. The stalls had Salespersons, Cashiers, Accountants and Assistants and 1 Mascot from each class to guide the invitees.

Each stall had a variety of items ranging from eatables, stationeries and home essentials.The event was held with the aim to help students apply classroom learnings in real life situations. It gave them an opportunity to apply math skills such as counting, addition, subtraction, record keeping, and language skills like describing  familiar things, speaking audibly and participating in collaborative conversations. 

The comperes for the event were Miss Hriizhiini Mao, Class Teacher of Class- A Helping Hands and Miss Benliyala Ningdangri,Class teacher of Class A – Smart Pandas. Miss Hriizhiini welcomed the invitees and expressed gratitude for their presence. She also highlighted the aim for organising the event. The event started with an invocation prayer by Miss Moasenla Aier, Class Teacher of Class-B Learning Bunnies.

The students stood in their bright Yellow aprons welcoming the customers, introducing their names and their designations in the stalls. The Mascots were busy in advertising and coaxing the guests to visit the stalls of their own class. The Salespersons were delightfully involved in the sales process, taking the orders and providing the needs of the customers with the help of the Assistants, while the Accountants  were engaged in keeping records of the items being purchased. The Cashiers did an excellent job in receiving money and giving change to the customers. The students were elated and their excitement knew no bounds when they saw their parents coming to be a part of the event. They enjoyed playing their roles as they efficiently managed their stalls, helping each other.

The Supermarket event helped the students in building their confidence and developing speaking and language skills. Manning their own stalls independently helped the students to know the value of hardwork and labour.

Miss Benliyala expressed gratitude to the parents for their support by availing their precious time which made the event a success. The event closed with a benediction prayer by Miss Keso, Class Teacher of Class B- Little Giants.

Tasty Delight of Class- A (Smart Pandas)
Little Things of Class- A (Smart Pandas)
Snack Hack of Class- A (Smart Pandas)
Power Plex of Class- A (Helping Hands)
Crispy Crunches of Class- A (Helping Hands)
Buttercup of Class- A (Helping Hands)
Giant Mini of Class- B (Little Giants)
Sweet Tooth of Class- B (Little Giants)
Snack Zillah of Class- B (Little Giants)
Mascot of Class- B (Little Giants)
B- snack station
Snack Station of Class- B (Learning Bunnies)
B-b treat street
Treat Street of Class- B (Learning Bunnies)
bb pick up mart
Pick- Up Mart of Class- B (Learning Bunnies)
Learning bunnies maskot
Mascot of Class- B (Learning Bunnies)