The Kindergarten Super Market Event which took place on 5th July, 2024 was a resounding success, providing our young students with a unique opportunity to apply their classroom learning in a real-world setting. The event aimed to help students put their knowledge of letters, numbers, and math skills into action, while also developing their conversational skills and art of persuasion.

The program began with a warm welcome by our host, Miss Abigail, who appreciated the parents’ time and availability. Miss Avete then opened the program with an invocation prayer, setting a positive tone for the event.

Ten stalls were set up, each managed by our kindergarten students, offering a variety of items such as candies, juice, and other goods. The students took turns to sell their products, practicing their transaction management skills, including counting, addition, and subtraction. They also demonstrated their record-keeping abilities by maintaining a tally of their sales.

Throughout the event, students showcased their language skills by:

– Describing familiar items
– Speaking audibly and confidently
– Participating in collaborative conversations
– Following rules for discussions
– Asking and answering questions

Parents were encouraged to engage with the students, asking questions about their products and making purchases. This interaction helped build the students’ confidence in communicating with others.

The event was well-attended, and parents expressed their delight in seeing their children apply their learning in such a practical and enjoyable way. The students’ enthusiasm and eagerness to sell their products were evident, making the experience a valuable and memorable one.

The Kindergarten Super Market Event achieved its objectives, providing our students with a hands-on experience that reinforced their classroom learning.

The program concluded with a Vote of Thanks shared by Miss Vinita, Class Teacher of Class B Little Giants, followed by a Benediction prayer by Miss Asen, Class Teacher of Class B Learning Bunnies.

We look forward to organizing similar events in the future to continue developing our students’ essential skills.

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Class B (Learning Bunnies)
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Class B (Little Giants)