A Mathematics Quiz competition was held on 29th October 2022 for the class 3 students of Grace Academy. The objective behind this competition is to encourage the students reading habits of mathematics and to acknowledge their interest in mathematics. Math Quiz not only improve the logical thinking and help in brainstorming but also enhances the analytical and reasoning ability, problem-solving skill and confidence. Overall, it helps in the development of a child at a young age.

The students of class 3 were divided into six groups. There were five rounds in total and a tie round with an audience round as well.

In the completion, Group 5 secured 1st position, Group 4 secured 2nd position and Group 3 secured 3rd position.

1st position: (5 members)
Invito A Swu
Longtsuroni Enny
Joycy Sitlhou
Aabrito Kung
Vighuna Sumi

2nd position: (4 members)
Nirja Bista
Aryan Singh
Henoka Aye
Merangtong Jamir

3rd position: (5 members)
Edlyn Khartu
Shiva Kumar
Lihuthu Awomi
Wadangkokba Ketholeto Yaden
Vivi A Swu

1st Position (Group- 5) with the Administrator
2nd Position (Group- 4) with the Administrator
3rd Position (Group- 3) with the Administrator
WhatsApp Image 2022-10-31 at 6.37.11 PM