A mathematics quiz competition was held for students of class 3 and class 4 on June 3, 2023. The event was held in the school auditorium from 10:00 AM to 1:10 PM. There were 32 students who participated in the competition. For both class 3 and class 4, there were 4 groups respectively, competing with each other.
The Competition:
For class 3, the competition consisted of seven rounds: Round 1 (Math Magicians), Round 2 (Navigate and divide), Round 3 (Maths Blitz), Round 4 (Logic Labyrinth), Round 5 (Mind’s Eye), Round 6 (Sudoku), and Round 7 (Maths Mania).
For class 4, the competition consisted of seven rounds: Round 1(supernova), Round 2 (Rapid Fire Round), Round 3 (Sudoku), Round 4 (Word problem) Round 5 (Visual round), Round 6 (Problem solving round), and Round 7 (Buzzer round).
The Winners:
For class 3:
1st Place: Rushanthung Ethan Ezung, Oto Aye, Livia Sumi and Vitoka Wokhami.
2nd Place: Mughapuka B. Yeptho, Azalimi P. Achumi, Akeso Tep and Punazulu Imsong
3rd Place: Tsitso Peseyie, L. Yimkonglemba Longchar, Meshenhi Seb and Jeremy Thong Seb
4rd Place: Akivito Joel Yepthomi, Abigail D. Sangma, Kimnunnem Thomsong and Anmol Deb.

For class 4:
1st Place: Wadangkokba Ketholeto Yaden, Aabrito Kung, Shiva Kumar and Vivi A Swu.
2nd Place: Aaliya Praveen, Gazyen Yeptho, Suhemlong Gonmei and Wonchithung Kithan.
3rd Place: Taochiren Imsong, Nirja Bista, Hekhi Seb and Muhammad Affan.
4rd Place: Thungdemo L Murry, Invito A Swu, Akipito and Lanutula.
The Awards:
The winners of the competition were awarded Prizes and certificates.

The mathematics quiz competition was a success. It was a great opportunity for students to test their math skills and to have fun. The competition also helped to promote math education in the school.