Singing Competition for the students of Kindergarten Section was  held on 19th March, 2024. This event showcased the youngest students’ vocal talents and their boundless enthusiasm for music. All students in the Kindergarten Section got the wonderful opportunity to present a song of their choice during the competition.

 The students were judge under the following criterias :

  • Song choice : Songs that are age-appropriate and reflect their interests and talents.
  • Performance : Stage presence, confidence and overall performance.
  • Creativity : Custom choices, choreography and stage props.
  • Voice quality : Clarity, speech and tone.

The singing competition is a platform for students to grow and bring out their talents from a very young age. Each learner had a memorable moment of fun while learning during the competition. The students enjoyed watching their friends perform their beautiful songs as they also eagerly waited for their turns to showcase their preparations as well.

It was seen that the competition has healed the fear of standing in a stage for a good number of young learners. 

After great deliberation the teachers concluded the competition by drawing out the winners from each class holding the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions. 

Nursery (Grace Toddlers)

1st – Lanluithung Humtsoe

2nd – Khonzani C. Odyuo

3rd – Eliro Ezung


Nursery (Tiny Treasures) 

1st : Ghunanu N Shohe

2nd: Nathan Hoaminthang Haokip

3rd: Liniu Achumi


Class A (Helping Hands)

1st – Jaydon Kamei

2nd – Arikum Imchen

3rd – Kiviu Swu


Class A (Smart Pandas)

1st: Jensina Ezung

2nd: Lydia N. Phom

3rd: Moile N. Phom


Class B (Learning Bunnies) 

1st : Choilee Etau 

2nd: Mekali Moati Ezung 

3rd: Albert Lamgunmang Haokip


Class B (Little Giants)

1st : Henoka A Swu

2nd : Ethan Sogotsu

3rd : Lydia Yepthomi


 This inclusive approach ensures that every child has a chance to express themselves through music, fostering their creativity, confidence, and love for performing arts


Tiny Treasures
A (Helping Hands)
A (Smart Pandas)
B (Learning Bunnies)
B (Little Giants)