A poetry recitation competition was held in Grace Academy on 21st  March 2023, which saw enthusiastic participation from the students of all grades. The objective of this competition was to provide a platform for our students to showcase their public speaking skills and develop their confidence.

The competition was conducted class wise and the students were given a set of poems from which they selected anyone to recite.

 The students were judged on various criteria including pronunciation, enunciation, fluency, pace, expression and overall presentation and confidence.

The winners of poem recitation competition were:

Class 1A

1st- Rhonbeni Humtsoe

2nd- Jozen Tep

3rd- Juvika Sumi

Class 1B

1st- Kacey Chophi

2nd- Riongdangla Imchen

3rd- Kiden Etau

Class 2A

1st- Mhachen Titus Patton

2nd- Yeshikali Zhimo

3rd- Nikikali Aye & Mhonroni Kithan

Class 2B

1st- Kebennye Khing & Greethya Difoesa

2nd- Suneptila Jazeel

3rd- Daniel 

Class 3

1st-Rushanthung Ethan Ezung

2nd- Tsitso Peseyie

3rd- Onokali Sumi

Class 4A

1st-Vivi A. Swu

2nd- Joycy Sitlhou

3rd- Wadangkokba Ketholeto Yaden

Class 4B

1st- Gazyen Yeptho

2nd- Hekhi Seb

3rd- Wonchithung Kithan

Class 5

1st- Amekali Zhimomi

2nd- Sentimeren Andrew Jamir & Md. Zeedan Ahmed

3rd- Lanunungsang Imsong

Class 6

1st- Thanggunhao Thomsong

2nd- Andrew Jochulo Khing

3rd- Anani Awomi

Class 7

1st- Otis Semy

2nd- Alovito Sumi

3rd- Winnerson Ngouri

The competition was a success as it provided a platform for our students to develop their skills, confidence and promote a love for literature. We appreciate and applaud all the participants and encourage them to continue taking part in these events.

Winners of Class -1a
Winners of Class- 1b
Winners of Class- 2a
Winners of Class- 2b
Winners of Class- 3
Winners of Class- 4a
Winners of Class- 4b
Winners of Class- 5
Winners of Class- 6
Winners of Class- 7