A general quiz competition was organized for students of class 3 and class 4 on 7th August 2023 at Grace Academy Auditorium . The event aimed to promote knowledge, teamwork and healthy competition among participants. Students of class 3 and 4 participated in the competition making it a successful and engaging event.

     The quiz competition commenced at 10 am for class 3 students, followed by class 4 at 11:40 am. The participants were divided into 4 groups of 4 members each. The competition was structured into several rounds such as : Round 1 (Quiz Buzz), Round 2 (Art Attack), Round 3 (Guess the Audio), Round 4 (Rapid Fire), Round 5 (Hindi Gyan), Round 6 (Science Trivia) and Round 7 (Tech Connect).

The winners of the General Quiz Competition  were :

  Class 3 winners

1st Position (Team 2) – Akumtemjen Longkumer, Abigail D. Sangma, L. Yimkonglemba Longchar, Jeremy Thong Seb.

2nd Position (Team 4) – Livino Sumi, Tsitso Peseyie, Livia Sumi, Niputo Assumi.

3rd Position (Team 1) – Meshenhi Seb, Rushanthung Ethan Ezung, Onokali Sumi, Kivinoka Awomi.

4th Position (Team 3) – Kimnunnem Thomsong, Mharoni Ezung, Akeso Tep, Oto Aye.


Class 4 winners

1st Position (Team 3) Class 4B – Gazyen Yeptho, Wonchithung Kithan, Nirja Bista, Nitili Swu.

2nd Position (Team 1) Class 4B – Hekhi Seb, Henoka Aye, Wanle, Taochiren Imsong.

3rd Position (Team 4) Class 4A – Wadangkokba Ketholeto Yaden, Kipika Yeptho, Annie Chetri, Joycy Sitlhou

4th Position (Team 2) Class 4A – Aabrito Kung, Vivi A Swu, Thungdemo L Murry, Edlyn Khartu.

The quiz competition proved to be an intellectually stimulating and enjoyable event. It encouraged healthy competition, promoted teamwork and enhanced participants’ knowledge across various subjects. The success of the event was attributed to the hard work of the organizing committee, the enthusiastic participation of students and the support of teachers and parents.