"Education without thinking does not go very far, knowledge without action does not move everything."

A Science Quiz Competition was held on 21st October 2022 for the Class 5 students of Grace Academy with the hope that it will inspire the students to stay curious and encourage them to strive towards developing their knowledge in Science.

The students were divided into three groups – Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3. There were five rounds in total with an audience round as well. The students participated with enthusiasm and Team 1 emerged as the winner.

The winners of Team 1 were:

Ichchha Regmi
Sahina Begum
Ighika R. Aye
Liva Chetri 

Team 1
Participants of Team 1
Team 2
Participants of Team 2
Team 3
Participants of Team 3
Winners of Team 1 with the Administrator