The Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition was held on 14th August 2023. It was a delightful and educational event. The competition was designed to encourage young Kindergarten students to express themselves, enhance their communication abilities, and develop self-confidence. It served as a platform for the students to showcase their knowledge and creativity.

A total of enthusiastic Kindergarten students participated in the competition. Each student was given a few minutes to present their topic to their classmates and teachers. The atmosphere in the classrooms was filled with anticipation and excitement.

The presentations were evaluated by a panel of teachers who considered various criteria, including clarity of expression, confidence, content, and the ability to engage the audience. The judging process aimed to be fair and encouraging, focusing on constructive feedback to help students improve.

After careful evaluation, 3 winners were announced from each class.

Class Nursery (Grace Toddlers)
Topic: My family, My home

1st – Keseng Magh
2nd – Jaydon Rongmei
3rd – Epolu

Class A ( Helping Hands)
Topic: Health and Hygiene

1st- Henoka A Swu
2nd- Lichet Longchar
3rd- Soabeni

Class A (Smart Pandas)
Topic: Health and Hygiene

1st-Megoviü Hannah Israil
2nd-Choilee Etau
3rd- Toki P. Zhimoni

Class B ( Little Giants)
Topic: My Traditional Attire

1st- Keziah Swu
2nd- Atotimi Awomi
3rd- Helufoheing Rangpoing

Class B (Learning Bunnies)
Topic: My Traditional Attire

1st- Vilo Katty
2nd-Caroline Kithan
3rd- Toinoto Sumi

Participating in the Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition had a positive impact on the students. They developed essential skills such as public speaking, research, and creativity. Moreover, it boosted their self-esteem and encouraged a love for learning. The Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition provided a valuable opportunity for young learners to express themselves, learn from each other, and grow as confident communicators.

Winners of Class A (Helping Hands)
Winners of Class Nursery (Grace Toddlers)
Winners of Class A (Smart Pandas)
Winners of Class B (Learning Bunnies)
Winners of Class B (Little Giants)