The Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition was held on 12th August 2024. This event aimed to develop the speaking skills of the young participants, boost their confidence, and encourage them to express their thoughts clearly. The competition took place in their respective classrooms, with the class teachers serving as judges. The class teachers guided the students, offering encouragement and helping them feel comfortable during their presentations.


The students were judged based on the following criteria:

– Confidence and Presentation: How confidently the child speaks and presents their item, including volume and clarity.

– Engagement: The child’s ability to connect with the audience through eye contact and enthusiasm.

– Content and Relevance: How well the child explains their chosen item and its significance.

– Creativity and Uniqueness: The originality of the item or the story shared, and the creativity of the presentation.


After careful deliberation, the teachers evaluated the presentations based on creativity, clarity, confidence, and the ability to engage the audience. Each class had three winners who were awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions.


Winners for Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition 2024

Class – Nursery (Grace Toddlers)

1st- Khonzani C. Odyuo  

2nd- Li-iza Yepthomi  

3rd- Shivangi Dubey  


Class – Nursery (Tiny Treasures)

1st- Aarwi Dey  

2nd- Nathan Haominthang Haokip  

3rd- Ghunanu N. Shohe  


Class A (Helping Hands)

1st- Jaydon Kamei  

2nd- Kupuli Chishi  

3rd- Jubika Swu  


Class A (Smart Pandas)

1st- Lydia N. Phom  

2nd- Keseng Magh  

3rd- Hakyong-Shin  


Class B (Learning Bunnies)

1st- Mekali Moati Ezung  

2nd- Albert Lamgunmang Haokip  

3rd- Zaira Imtiyaz  


Class B (Little Giants)

1st- Lydia Yepthomi  

2nd- Megoviu Hannah Israil  

3rd- Soabeni Grace  

Each winner received a certificate as a token of appreciation and to acknowledge their efforts.

The Kindergarten Show and Tell Competition was a resounding success. It provided an excellent opportunity for the young students to develop their speaking skills and gain confidence. The supportive environment created by the teachers and the active engagement of all students made the event memorable and beneficial for everyone involved.

Winners of Class B (Learning Bunnies)
Winners of Class B (Little Giants)
Winners of Class A (Smart Pandas)
helping hands
Winners of Class A (Helping Hands)
Winners of Class Nusery (Grace Toddlers)
WhatsApp Image 2024-09-09 at 21.02.30_7fae148c
Winners of Class Nursery (Tiny Treasures)