On February 28, 2023, a poster-making competition was held at Grace Academy School to celebrate National Science Day. The competition was organized for students of classes 1 to 7. The objective of the competition was to promote awareness and encourage students to develop their knowledge and creative skills. Participants were given topics from their science books to create their posters using any medium they preferred.
The poster were evaluated based on the following criteria:
Clarity of the topic
Overall visual appeal.
The Winner’s of Poster making Competition were:
Class 1a
Nipukivi Assumi (1st)
Juvika K. Sumi (2nd)
Class 1b
Riongdangla Imchen (1st)
Yuksen Kinghen (2nd)
Class 2a
Kivibo Achumi (1st)
Kushal Pandey (2nd)
Class 2b
Athena Sumi (1st)
Jeffrey Khartu (2nd)
Class 3
Kivinoka A. Awomi (1st)
Meshenhi Seb (2nd)
Class 4a
Wadangkokba Ketholeto Yaden (1st)
Thungdemo L Murry (2nd)
Class 4b
Gazyen Yeptho (1st)
Aaliya Praveen (2nd)
Class 5
Hehdika S. Sangtam (1st)
Fiza Praveen (2nd)
Class 6
Manshi Bista (1st)
Ichchha Regmi (2nd)
Class 7
Khushi Das (1st)
Otis Semy (2nd)
The poster-making competition was a great success, with many students showcasing their knowledge and creativity. The school hopes to organize similar events in the future to encourage scientific awareness and promote the overall development of students.