Table Tennis & Badminton Competition, 2023

Grace Academy recently hosted a highly anticipated Table Tennis & Badminton Competition, which was nothing short of thrilling and showcased the exceptional talent and sportsmanship of the young athletes at the academy. The students’ enthusiasm and spirited cheers for their fellow competitors exemplified the values of team spirit and sportsmanship, making the event even more memorable. The competition provided a platform for the children to have fun and enjoy the spirit of sportsmanship.

The Table Tennis Competition featured various categories to cater to different age groups and skill levels, ensuring an exciting and competitive atmosphere. The categories were as follows:

  • Singles (Senior Boys and Girls)
  • Doubles (Senior Boys)
  • Singles (Junior Girls)
  • Singles (Sub-Junior Boys and Girls)

The Badminton Competition also featured different categories. Those were as follows:

  • Singles (Sub-Junior Boys and Girls)
  • Singles (Junior Boys and Girls)
  • Singles (Senior Boys and Girls)
  • Doubles (Senior Boys and Girls)

With both singles and doubles events, the tournament promised a series of exhilarating matches, creating an atmosphere of intense competition and camaraderie.

Winners of the Table Tennis Competition:


Singles – Senior Boys

1st Place: Sulman Ali (Class 5)

2nd Place: Toship Ansari (Class 7)

3rd Place: Niuke R Swu (Class 7)


Singles – Senior Girls

1st Place: Sahina Begum (Class 6)

2nd Place: Visevou Israil (Class 7)

3rd Place: Mercy (Class 7)


Doubles – Senior Boys

1st Place: Toship Ansari (Class 7) & Sulman Ali (Class 5)

2nd Place: Liva (Class 6) & Niuke R Swu (Class 7)

3rd Place: Nighapu & Alovito (Both Class 7)


Singles – Junior Girls

1st Place: Gazyen Yeptho (Class 4B)

2nd Place: Wanle (Class 4B)

3rd Place: Annie Chetri (Class 4A)


Singles – Sub-Junior Boys

1st Place: Akivito (Class 3)

2nd Place: Temsulong Insong (Class 2A)

3rd Place: Jeffrey (Class 2B)


Singles – Sub-Junior Girls

1st Place: Fiona Yeptho (Class 2A)

2nd Place: Tsenjano (Class 2B)

3rd Place: Rongsenzungla (Class 2B)


Winners of the Badminton Competition:


Singles – Sub-Junior Boys

1st Place: Thejavizo Yano (Class 2B)

2nd Place: Otto Aye (Class 3)


Singles –  Sub-Junior Girls

1st Place: Livia Sumi (Class 3)

2nd Place: Kebennye Khing (Class 2B)


Singles – Junior Boys

1st Place: Md. Zeedan Ahmed (Class 5)

2nd Place: Wadangkokba (Class 4A)


Singles – Junior Girls

1st Place: Nuvi Awomi (Class 5)

2nd Place: Lanutula (Class 4A)


Singles – Senior Boys

1st Place: Toship Ansari (Class 7)

2nd Place: Hututo (Class 7)


Singles –  Senior Girls

1st Place: Visevou Zie Israil (Class 7)

2nd Place: Mercy Zeliang (Class 7)


Doubles – Senior Boys

1st Place: Kivinoto Yepthomi (Class 7) & Hesahito P. Achumi (Class 6)

2nd Place: Toship Ansari (Class 7) & Nemalongly (Class 6)


Doubles – Senior Girls

1st Place: Sahina Begum (Class 6) & Ichchha Regmi (Class 6)

2nd Place: Kilika Sema (Class 6) & Anani Awomi (Class 6)


The Table Tennis & Badminton Competition at Grace Academy was not just a display of talent and skill but also a celebration of teamwork and sportsmanship. The winners and participants demonstrated their dedication and passion for the sport, making the event a grand success. Congratulations to all the winners and participants for their outstanding performances and their contribution to the spirit of sports at Grace Academy.

Table Tennis
